Smart & Simple Packing Hacks for Travelling with Kids

When you’re travelling with kids, simplicity, ease, and any tricks that can save time are everything. If you’re planning a family trip, you might be looking for some travel hacks to make the packing process, the flight or road trip, and the hotel stay less stressful. Flying with a baby for the first time can be intimidating, but don’t let that dissuade you from planning a trip.

Every flight and every time you travel with baby will be different. So even if you’ve had a bad experience flying with your baby in the past, don’t let that stop you!

Here are the top flying with baby tips that we have, It definitely helps to know a few good tricks to make the trip go smoothly! 

Create a Packing List a Week Before Your Trip

Make a list of everything you need to take including children’s favourite toy/blanket etc then tick the items off as you pack them, take the list with you to ensure everything ends up back at home after the holiday! A written list will ensure that you don’t forget the essentials and if you start early, you can add to it as you think of things.

Pack Only Travel Size Toiletries

Toiletries take up a big chunk of my own suitcase, but kids really only need the basics. Even better, you can find all-in-one products like combination shampoo/ conditioner that allow you to pack one bottle to take care of both! To save some time, you can find small toiletry bottles/containers!

Let Kids Have Their Own Carry-on 

Kids love to be part of the game so let them carry their own bag. It’s a good idea to pack snacks, some toys and a blanket to keep them comfy! 

Use Packing Cubes

Packing cubes will help compress clothes, and you’ll be able to pack more than one person per suitcase by separating their clothes into packing cubes. They act like drawers within the suitcase keeping you organized throughout the duration of the trip.

You Don’t Need as Many Clothes as You Think

Everyone knows that less is more when it comes to luggage on a long trip. Ask any traveller on a big trip what they wish that they would have done differently, and most will tell you that they should have brought less. Overpacking is by far the biggest mistake that travellers make. And once you have all that stuff with you, the choices are limited: lug it around for the duration of the trip, give it away, or throw it out.

Water Bottle/ Milk Bottle

Bring a water bottle for your child, you can then refill them at water stations within the hotel or resort. Airlines permit kids drinks bottles to go onboard

Use Tape to Keep Liquids From Spilling

Always secure the lids of toiletries with tape to prevent spills and put them in a plastic bag.

Bring an Empty Bag for Dirty Clothes

As clothes are worn, add them to a plastic bag (or laundry bag!) to keep them from getting mixed in with the clean. When you get home, you’ll be able to dump the bag into the laundry and return unworn garments to the closet without any guesswork.

Don’t Forget Blankie!

If your child has a favourite comfort item, make sure it’s on the packing list.

Food/Snacks for Baby

Gone are the days when parents used to wait till their kids were grown up to travel. Nowadays, little babies travel everywhere, exploring the great big world with their inquisitive eyes. Of course, modern conveniences have definitely made life easier for Mom and Dad!! But in spite of everything, one point of worry for parents is what to feed their children while travelling.With all the scare about packaged food and unhygienic food preparation in restaurants, parents would rather carry their own food with them.

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